Sunday, November 28, 2010

Side-by-side file editing

A much requested feature has been the ability of view and edit more than one files in the editor simultaneously.  This feature has been implemented in version control and will be made available in the next release.

Here are some screenshots:


Notice that there are two sets of tabs and you can drag&drop tabs from one set to the other.


Two files can be displayed and edited either vertically or horizontally.


Here we have two files displayed vertically and for each file we have a second editor view displayed.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

More portable than ever!

PyScripter 2.3.4 has sorted a couple of problems with portability:
  • It will now locate the Python help file in a more robust way to provide context sensitive help.
  • It will look for custom skins in the Skins subfolder of the directory in which the PyScripter executable is located and only if that directory is not found it will search the %APPDATA%\PyScripter\Skins directory.  So now you can carry custom skins with you.
So this version is more portable than ever!

Where on earth is pythonxx.dll? (3)

Starting from PyScripter 2.3.4, without the --PYTHONDLLPATH command-line option, PyScripter will only use registered Python versions.  So it will ignore loose pythonxx.dll found on the system path.  To use with non-registered Python versions you need to use the –PYTHONxx and –PYTHONDLLPATH command-line options.  See the FAQ at the PyScripter project site for more information.

PyScripter v2.3.4 released

PyScripter version 2.3.4 was released at

New features:

  • Compatibility with Python 3.1.3rc, 3.2a4
  • Add watches by dragging and dropping text
  • Ctrl + Mouse scroll scrolls whole pages in print preview
  • Search for custom skins first in the Skins subdirectory of the Exe file if it exists

Issues addressed:

The full history can be found at

Friday, November 12, 2010

Code completion for PyQt4

There was a question at the PyScripter newsgroup about how to setup code completion for PyQt4.  Have a look at the answer given there, since it may also be applicable to code completion of other packages that use extension modules.