Friday, January 11, 2019

SSH Engines using Putty

In addition to OpenSSH, PyScripter 3.6 support the use of PuTTY for connecting to remote engines using SSH.  PuTTY is an easy to use and popular SSH client.   After you download PuTTY you can use to connect to remote machines either:
  • using user name and password or
  • by setting up a public/private key combination and setting up a password-free login using the pagent utility
PyScripter supports both modes of connection, but clearly the password-free login is faster and easier once you make the effort to set it up.  This video, among others, explains how to do this.

Here is a sample SSH engine configuration using putty:

You need to provide:
  • the user name
  • the host name (ip address)
  • the paths to the scp and plink commands of putty.  (plink is putty's ssh command)
  • the server name used to identify this SSH engine
  • ssh and scp options (if needed)
  • the command that will be used to run python in the server
  • if you have not setup a password-free connection then check the "Password Needed" option.
Then use the Run, Python Engine, SSH menu option to connect to a remote machine.   If a password is needed PyScripter will prompt you for the password.  Also if you connect the server (host machine) for the first time,  PyScripter will warn you about an "unknown server" and ask you whether you want to proceed.   Everything is hanlded automatically.  And there you are:

You can now run and debug programs on the remote server.  You can also open and edit remote files in the editor and save them back to the server as if they were local.


androgogika said...

Hi. I configured access in a similar way, but the connection does not occur. If I use pytti then everything works. Server - debian 9, client - windows 7 x64, putty 0.71 x64

androgogika said...

sorry this is worked, but if i use "open remote file"